Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Lady Macbeth Versus Macbeth

  Hello everybody! Welcome back, today I will be topic I will be blogging about is Lady Macbeth versus Macbeth. These two are a couple, a very interesting one if you ask me. They are a power hungry couple, that KILL for it. Does it sound like a healthy relationship? Absolutely not. Lady Macbeth is a very muniplating, power hungry and cold hearted wife of Macbeth. She is very influencing in the beginning of the play because he gets Macbeth to commit murder so he can become more powerful. At first, he wasn't into the idea at all but she ended up muniplating him and making him feel as if he is lesser than a man which led him into commiting a crime that haunted both of them til the day they died. She pressured Macbeth into killing King Duncan, when she knew that isn't what he wanted she still made him do it which shows how much of a selfish and controlling wife wife she is. She does not care for Macbeth at all what so ever, she only wants to recieve the benefits that Macbeth will recieve once he becomes king. While reading this story, I cannot stop thinking of how toxic and unhealthy their relationship was. She was just so controlling and so muniplating it caused alot of damage to Macbeth because all because of one crime she made him commit it ruined his entire sanity and mind, he was filled with guilt but the guilt was over powered by the desire of power he wanted. After Duncan got murdered, to make Lady Macbeth any more of a worse person she puts the blame on the innocent body gaurds that did not commit a crime and even worse Macbeth had killed them to make it seem as if they had killed Duncan and they got killed after for what they had done but the only reason why Macbeth had killed the body gaurds was to blame them and nobody could ask them if they had commited the crime or not, which they didn't but just incase Macbeth killed them so no questions would be asked so the actual person who killed Duncan which was Macbeth would not be able to proven guilty. The guilt of the murder became so strong that Lady Macbeth ended up commiting suicide.
 Lady Macbeth not the only bad person in this play, Macbeth is just as bad as her and maybe even worse considering the fact that he had murdered people just so he could become the King of Scotland. In the beginning of the story, Macbeth was precieved as a weak character but throughout the story he starts becoming insane because the desire of power took over him. I feel the relationship both had was more as if they were in a partnership than actual relationship.

Til next time, cheers!

Kajol Pillay

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